go cubs

go cubs

Friday, March 6, 2009

Pajama Day

Yesterday and today were pajama day at school. Jack was not into wearing his pj's to school at all but then I told him everyone including his teachers Ms. Tricia & Ms. Joan would be in their pj's too; he decided that it was OK to wear his pj's! Jack you are definitely a child that likes routine! Today when Jack walked in wearing his jammies with his name on it, all the teachers were commenting how handsome he looked and he just strutted on by to see his friends! Jack you are a crack up!


Aunt Jane said...

Jack, You are so handsom in your PJs. What fun to go to school in your pjs. Hope you had a good day.. love you Aunt Jane

Julie said...

Jack you are so funny!!! I wonder where you get your love of routines???hmmmm!!!

Got to love Dr. Suess week...PJ's are looking comfy...wish I could wear mine to work!

I love you...see you soon!
~Aunt Jujee

Anonymous said...

Ryan has the same brown jammies. not his favorites, because buttons are hard!
i think they are adorable!